Selected papers, preprints and talks
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Joint with Andrew V. Sutherland:
Computing the endomorphism ring of an elliptic curve over a number field
ArXiV preprint, January 2023.
On the equivalence of binary cubic forms
ArXiV preprint,
December 2022; revised November 2023.
Joint with John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland and John Voight:
The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database
Notices Early Career Series, October 2021.
preprint, June 2021.
Joint with Manjul Bhargava, Tom Fisher, and Stevan Gajović:
The density of polynomials of degree \(n\) over \(\mathbb{Z}_p\)
having exactly \(r\) roots in \(\mathbb{Q}_p\)
Proceedings of the LMS, 17 March 2022
ArXiv 2101.09590 (23 January 2021; revised 16 December 2021)
Joint with Filip Najman:
\(\mathbb{Q}\)-curves over odd degree number fields
Research in Number Theory 7:62
(2021), DOI.
ArXiv 2004.10054 (revised 26 January 2021)
Joint with Aurel Page and Andrew V. Sutherland:
Sorting and labelling integral ideals
in a number field
ArXiv 2005.09491 (19 May 2020)
Joint with Manjul Bhargava and Tom Fisher:
The proportion of genus one curves
over $\mathbb{Q}$ defined by a binary quartic that everywhere locally have a point
International Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 17, No. 04 (2021) pp. 903-923.
ArXiv 2004.12085 (revised 31 July 2020)
Joint with Mohammad Sadek:
Local and global densities
for Weierstrass models of elliptic curves
Mathematics Research Letters 30 No. 2 (2023), pp. 413-461.
ArXiv 2003.08454 (includes two SageMath Jupyter notebooks)
Joint with Alex J. Best, Jonathan Bober, Andrew R. Booker, Edgar
Costa, Maarten Derickx, David Lowry-Duda, Min Lee, David Roe, Andrew
V. Sutherland, John Voight:
Computing classical modular forms
In Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation
(J. Balakrishnan, N.Elkies, B. Hassett, B. Poonen, A.V. Sutherland,
J. Voight, eds.), Simons Symposium Series, Springer 2022.
ArXiv 2002.04717
Joint with Nuno Freitas:
Global methods for the symplectic type of congruences between
elliptic curves
Matemática Ibroamericana 38 No.1 (2022), 1--32.
ArXiv 1910.12290
Joint with Lassina Dembélé, Ariel Pacetti, Ciaran
Schembri, John Voight:
On rational Bianchi newforms and abelian surfaces with
quaternionic multiplication
In Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation
(J. Balakrishnan, N.Elkies, B. Hassett, B. Poonen, A.V. Sutherland,
J. Voight, eds.), Simons Symposium Series, Springer 2022.
ArXiv 1907.12103
Joint with Ariel Pacetti:
On Elliptic Curves of prime power conductor over imaginary
quadratic fields with class number one
Proceedings of the LMS Vol.118 no.5 (2019), 1245-1276. DOI.
ArXiv 1711.02170
Joint with Alejandro Argáez García:
Black Box Galois Representations
Journal of
Algebra 512 (2018), 526--565 (full text with hyperlinks)
ArXiv 1709.06430 (40 pages, revised May 2018; includes code for examples)
The L-functions and modular forms database project
Based on a plenary lecture given at FoCM'14, December 2014,
Montevideo, Uruguay
ArXiv 1511.04289 (14 pages, November 2015) (minor revision January 2016)
of Computational Mathematics, 16(6), pp.1541-1553, 2016.
Altametric data
Joint with Manjul Bhargava and Tom Fisher:
The proportion of plane cubic curves over
$\mathbb{Q}$ that everywhere locally have a point
ArXiv 1311.5578 (13 pages, November 2013) (revised July 2015)
Journal of Number Theory Vol. 12, No. 04.
Joint with Manjul Bhargava, Tom Fisher, Nick Jones and Jon Keating:
What is the probability that a random
integral quadratic form in $n$ variables has an integral zero?
ArXiv 1502.05992 (17 pages, February 2015)
IMRN Volume 2016, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3828–3848.
Joint with Barinder Banwait:
Tetrahedral Elliptic Curves and the
local-to-global principle for Isogenies
Algebra & Number Theory 8-5 (2014), 1201--1229. DOI 10.2140/ant.2014.8.1201
ArXiv 1305.6818 (23 pages, June 2013; revised August 2013 and May 2014)
Details of Sage computation of the three genus 3 modular curves of level 13.
Joint with M. T. Aranes:
Congruence subgroups, cusps and Manin symbols over number fields
pdf (19 pages, 2013-03-01)
"Computations with Modular Forms" Proceedings of the Summer School and Conference
Heidelberg August/September 2011, eds. G. Boeckle, G. Wiese.
Springer 2014, Contributions
in Mathematical and Computational Sciences Volume 6.
Joint with Tom Fisher, Catherine O'Neil, Denis Simon and Michael
Explicit n-descent on elliptic curves III. Algorithms
ArXiv 1107.3516 (43 pages, revised August 2012)
of Computation 84 No.292 (2015), 895-922
( offprint )
Numerical evidence for the Birch Swinnerton-Dyer
slides for a talk given in Cambridge at
the BSD 50th anniversary conference, May 2011.
Joint with Thotsaphon Thongjunthug:
The complex AGM, periods of elliptic
curves over $\mathbb{C}$ and complex elliptic logarithms
arXiv:1011.0914v1 [math.NT]
The Journal of Number Theory
Volume 133, Issue 8,
August 2013, Pages 2813-2841
slides for a talk about this.
Joint with Tom Fisher and Michael Stoll:
Minimisation and reduction of 2-, 3- and
4-coverings of elliptic curves
math.NT/0908.1741, 56 pages
Journal of Algebra & Number Theory 4 No.6 (2010), 763-820.
Joint with Andrew V. Sutherland:
On a theorem of Mestre and Schoof:
pdf (4 pages, 2008-12-31);
arXiv:0901.0120v1 [math.NT]
Journal de Théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, Tome 22 No.2
(2010), pages 353-358.
Joint with Martin Edjvet:
Cyclically Presented Groups and
pdf (15 pages, 2010-03-13).
(International Journal of Algebra and Computation)
2010 Volume
No.20, Issue No. 3, pp. 417-435 , DOI: 10.1142/S0218196710005777.
Reduction of binary forms over imaginary
quadratic fields:
slides for a talk given in Bordeaux at
the conference "Explicit Methods in Number Theory" in honour of Henri
Cohen, October 2007.
Unimodular Integer Circulants:
preprint, 14 pages (2007-02-28, minor
corrections 2007-05-16, revision 2007-06-28, minor revision 2007-07-26)
Mathematics of Computation 77 (2008), 1639-1652.
Joint with Tom Fisher, Catherine O'Neil, Denis Simon and Michael
Explicit n-descent on elliptic curves II. Geometry:
math.NT/0611606, 24 pages
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 632 (2009), 63--84
Joint with Tom Fisher:
On the equivalence of binary quartics:
pdf, 13 pages (2008-11-13)
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 44 (2009) 673--682. DOI: doi:10.1016/j.jsc.2008.09.004
Computing in component groups of elliptic curves:
preprint (pdf)
VIII Proceedings: A. van der Poorten, A. Stein (eds.), ANTS VIII,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5011 (2008), pages 118-124.
Available online from SpringerLink
Slides from the talk given at ANTS: pdf
Joint with Mark Lingham:
Finding all elliptic curves with good reduction outside a given set
of primes:
pdf, 15 pages (Revised 2006-12-14)
Experimental Mathematics 16 No.3 (2007), 303-312.
Slides for a talk
Joint with Tom Fisher, Catherine O'Neil, Denis Simon and Michael
Explicit n-descent on elliptic curves I. Algebra:
math.NT/0606580, 37 pages
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, Vol.
615 (2008), 121-155.
- Appendix to a paper by Amod Agashe, Ken Ribet and William Stein:
The Manin Constant
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Vol. 2 no.2 (2006), pp. 617-636.
Preprint available here.
Joint with Samir Siksek:
Computing a Lower Bound for the Canonical Height on Elliptic Curves
over Q:
pdf [revised 2006-04-07].
VII Proceedings: F.Hess, S.Pauli and M.Pohst (eds.), ANTS VII,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4076 (2006), pages 275-286.
Available online from SpringerLink here
The elliptic curve database for conductors to 130000:
VII Proceedings: F.Hess, S.Pauli and M.Pohst (eds.), ANTS VII,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4076 (2006), pages 11-29.
Preprint (with some corrections)
Slides for talk, either with or without page pauses (with some corrections)
Available online from SpringerLink here
Joint with Mark van Hoeij:
Solving Conics over Function Fields:
pdf (revised 21 July 2006).
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 18(3) 2006, 595--606.
Joint with Martin Prickett and Samir Siksek:
Height Difference Bounds For Elliptic Curves over Number Fields:
Journal of Number Theory 116(1) (2006), 42-68.
(Available from Science Direct)
Joint with Samir Siksek:
On the Diophantine Equation $x^2+7=y^m$:
ps, pdf.
Acta Arithmetica 109.2 (2003), 143--149.
Slides for a talk on this.
Joint with Michael Stoll:
On the reduction theory of binary forms (20 pages):
ps, pdf.
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 565 (2003), 79--99.
Slides for a talk on this.
Joint with Michael Stoll:
Minimal models for 2-coverings of Elliptic Curves:
On the computation of Mordell-Weil and 2-Selmer Groups of
Elliptic Curves (11 pages): ps, pdf.
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (2002) vol. 32, no. 3, pp.953--967.
Review of Henri Cohen's Book "Advanced Topics in Computational Number
Theory", for the LMS: ps, pdf.
Joint with Barry Mazur:
Visualizing elements in the Shafarevich-Tate group (20 pages):
preprint in dvi, ps format
Experimental Mathematics 9:1 (2000), pages 13-28.
See also
A. Agashe, W. Stein, J. Cremona, B. Mazur:
evidence for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for
modular abelian varieties of analytic rank zero,
Mathematics of Computation, Vol 74, Number 249, 2005, pages 455-484.
Joint with Dave Rusin:
Efficient solution of rational conics:
final version, August 2001, (minor revisions Jan 2002) dvi, ps, pdf (23 pages)
Mathematics of Computation, 72 (2003), no. 243, pages 1417-1441.
Reduction of binary cubic and quartic forms (31 pages):
- LMS JCM 2 (1999), 62--92
- Preprint with corrections (updated
2010-04-21): pdf.
Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves over Imaginary Quadratic Number
Fields (12 pages): dvi, ps
Talk given at ESF conference, Spain 1997 (extended abstract).
Updated version (2008)
Review of Ian Stewart's Book "Nature's Numbers", AMS Notices
December 1997.
Higher Descents on Elliptic Curves (9 pages): pdf (notes for talk).
Classical Invariants and 2-descent on Elliptic Curves
- slides for talk (15 pages dvi).
ps (17 pages).
Published version:
Journal of Symbolic Computation (Proceedings of the
Second Magma Conference, Milwaukee, May 1996), Jan/Feb 2001, pages 71-87.
Joint with P. Serf:
Computing the rank of elliptic curves over real quadratic fields of
class number 1
Computing Periods of Cusp Forms and modular elliptic curves (12
Mathematics 6:2 (1997), pp.97--107
Modular Symbols and the computation of Modular Elliptic Curves
(31 pages): dvi, ps,
gzip'd ps,
Lecture notes for short course given in Bordeaux, May 1995
This is essentially an abbreviated form of Chapter 2 of the book which is now online.
The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (13 pages): dvi or ps (slides for talk).
- Computing the Degree of the Modular Parametrization of a
Modular Elliptic Curve (16 pages):
Preprint version of
Math. Comp. 62 No. 205 (Jan. 1994) pp. 407--429
- Modular symbols for $\Gamma_1(N)$ and
elliptic curves with everywhere good reduction
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 111 (1992), no. 2, 199--218.
Some earlier papers are available online; some of these may require
some kind of authorization. Feel free to email me for offprints.
The following is not a complete list.
- (with P.W.Fowler)
Fullerenes containing fused triples of pentagonal rings
J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1997, 93, 2255 - 2262, DOI: 10.1039/a701271c
- (with P.W.Fowler and J.I.Steer)
Systematics of bonding in non-icosahedral carbon clusters
Theoretica Chimica Acta
Volume 73, Number 1 / January, 1988, pp. 1-26 (DOI: 10.1007/BF00526647)
- (with E. Whitley) Periods of cusp forms and elliptic curves
over imaginary quadratic fields
Mathematics of Computation 62 No. 205 (1994), 407-429.
- The analytic order of $Ш$ for modular elliptic
de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Tome 5 (1993) no. 1,
pages 179-184 (DOI).
- Abelian Varieties with Extra Twist, Cusp Forms, and Elliptic Curves Over Imaginary Quadratic Fields
of the London Mathematical Society 45 (1992) 402-416 [BibTeX]
- (with Susan Landau)
Shrinking Lattice Polyhedra
J. Discrete Math., 3(3), 338--348 (DOI).
- (with R.W.K.Odoni)
A generalization of a result of Iwasawa on the capitulation problem,
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 107
(1990), pp.1--3.
- (with R.W.K.Odoni)
Some density results for negative Pell equations; an application of graph theory
Journal London Math. Soc. 39 (1989) 16 - 28. [BibTeX]
- On GL(n) of a Dedekind Domain
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 39 (1988) 423-426. [BibTeX]
- Hyperbolic tessellations, modular symbols, and elliptic curves
over complex quadratic fields
Compositio Mathematica, 51 no. 3
(1984), p. 275-324 [BibTeX]
Addendum and errata:
Compositio Mathematica, 63 no. 2 (1987), 271-272 [BibTeX]
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